Welcome Reception
Date & Time
Monday, June 5, 2023, 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM

One of the highlights of this year's welcome reception will be a feature of New Nordic cuisine-inspired appetizers from the minds of five participating Nordic chefs - Kamilla Seidler (Denmark), Pipsa Hurmerinta (Finland), Runa Kvendseth (Norway), Emma Vixner (Sweden), and Hinrik Orn Larusson (Iceland). Each chef’s offering will embody their personal take on New Nordic traditions, with an emphasis on seasonal and local ingredients.

The reception will also feature action stations showcasing chefs from 5 regions across Canada, competing in the Culinary Federation 2023 Senior Chef Competition.
Competitors are:
Leslie Flynn (PEI)
Muralitharan Thambapillai (Ontario)
Derris Warren (Saskatchewan)
Francis Flores (Alberta)
Leah Patitucci (BC)


Location Name
Oakes Foyer / Ballroom
Session Type
Social / Competition